Susan Parker will deliver a message of hope and inspiration to residents and the general public at Joy Junction, New Mexico's largest emergency homeless shelter.
Consultant and Speaker, Susan Parker knows what it's like to lose hope. She knows what it's like to live small and to feel invisible.
"Like so many others in my family, I reached a point in my life where I didn't want to go on. Even though I had overcome an addiction and had what to some, looked like a near-perfect life, I felt hopeless. After a long journey, I've learned to say "NO" to the negativity around me and in my own head. I've replaced it with the faith, strategies and connections that allow me to adjust my thoughts and beliefs so I can get real about my feelings and make the choices that will lead to a better day."
Susan is a Speaker and Consultant who travels the country and on Thursday, May 26th, she'll speak at Joy Junction and offer a message of hope, encouraging others to Get Real, Seek Help and Live Big. Susan will be selling copies of her best-selling memoir, Walking in the Deep End, with all proceeds benefiting Joy Junction.
Joy Junction is a place of refuge to those who have been forced into the streets. As many as 300 women, children and families count on us each day for food, shelter, clothing, transportation, and an array of other services. While Joy Junction is the largest homeless shelter in New Mexico, it is much more than a homeless shelter. It's a Gospel Rescue Mission that is committed to restoring precious lives which have been forgotten and abandoned by society.
Joy Junction does not receive any government funding, and donors can help provide a hand up to those in need and also accepts donations of food, clothing, furniture, appliances, bedding, linens, household items such as bleach, toilet paper, paper towels, trash bags, etc. Some of these items are used in the ministry to the homeless and others are sold at the Thrift Store, which serves as a training ground for some of those in the Joy Junction recovery program. For more information, visit http: women's jackets //
Susan Parker is available to speak at both non-profit and for profit businesses and organizations in both English and Spanish. For more information, visit Contact her at susan(at)walkinginthedeepend(dot)com
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